To locate a burial site at Willow Wild, simply click on the red link below:
There you will find a complete, alphabetized listing of the over 10,000 burials at Willow Wild, each coded to an easy-to-read map, along with other crucial genealogical and historical information.
Willow Wild is part of a nationwide effort, known as The USGenWeb Project, which consists of groups of volunteers organized by county (the TXFannin GenWeb Project) and by state (TXGenWeb) who work together to provide non-commercial, freely accessible internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state in the country.
Along with names and locations of those buried here, you'll also find photographs of markers, death certificate information and copies/transcriptions of obituaries if they're available.
We are deeply grateful to the Fannin County TxFannin GenWeb organization for graciously allowing us to link to this invaluable resource.*
*Please note that by clicking the link to the TxFannin GenWeb you are leaving the Willow Wild Cemetery Association website, and we are not able to assist you in updating the TxGenWeb site or revising any incorrect information you may find there. For any questions or concerns about the TxFannin GenWeb Willow Wild page or to update and make corrections, please email Willow Wild Info.
Directions to Cemetery
The Willow Wild cemetery is on the western edge of Bonham, where West 7th Street crosses State Highway 121, which is just north of the intersection of Highway 121 and Highway 56. (Also known as W. Sam Rayburn Drive.)